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GL-KU20W-FL Fanless Ku Low Band 12.75-13.25GHz BUC


GL-KU20W-FL Fanless Ku Low Band 12.75-13.25GHz BUC supports operations with up to 20W of output power. Amkom AFKL20 20W Fanless Ku Low Band 12.75-13.25GHz BUC is the next generation of Amkom’s feed-horn & boom-arm mountable BUCs, weighing-in only at 1.4kg and working at high temperatures up to 60°C. The Amkom Amkom AFKL20 20W Fanless Ku Low Band 12.75-13.25GHz BUC utilises superior design to provide passive cooling with an active fan for forced air cooling, a common point of failure

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The Amkom AFKL20 20W Fanless Ku Low Band 12.75-13.25GHz BUC supports operations with up to 20W of output power. Amkom AFKL20 20W Fanless Ku Low Band 12.75-13.25GHz BUC is the next generation of Amkom’s feed-horn & boom-arm mountable BUCs, weighing-in only at 1.4kg and working at high temperatures up to 60°C. The Amkom Amkom AFKL20 20W Fanless Ku Low Band 12.75-13.25GHz BUC utilises superior design to provide passive cooling with an active fan for forced air cooling, a common point of failure.

Amkom AFKL20 20W Fanless Ku Low Band 12.75-13.25GHz BUC Features:

  • Hyper-Light Package Design Only 3.1lbs (1.4kg)
  • Extreme Stability, Reliability and Performance
  • Built-in HPA Overdrive Circuit Protection
  • High Temperature Reliability- up to + 70°C
  • Built-in Anti Vibration Operation
  • Built-in Optimized Linearization
  • Built-in Ultra Receive Band Reject Filter
  • Extreme GaAs + GaN Linearity and Efficiency
  • Field Replaceable IP69K Rated Fans
  • Fully Assembled and Rigorously Tested in the USA

Ku Low Band

Operating IF frequency 950 to 1450 MHz
Rated Output Power | Linear Power SR @ -26dBc 20W 43dBm PSAT (min) | 16W 42 dBm PLIN (min)
Prime Power via IF or MS Connector + 16 – 55 VDC 115W PSAT & 95W @ P-LINEAR
Dimensions 152 x 94 x 74 mm
Weight 1.4kg

Amkom’s Design Group Inc. was established in 2016 and is based in California USA with market focus on SATCOM and VSAT markets. Amkom’s BUC and SSPA designs include the best technical elements of both GaN and GaAs architectures to deliver mature, reliable, and efficient BUCs and SSPA/Bs with added internal overdrive protection. Amkom’s products are achieving world class results with exceptional stability, reliability, linearity and efficiency.